We decided to play a little bit on this one. This piece is entitled “She is here: A Declaration for Bed Study” we had a ton of fun painting our third outdoor mural in Brooklyn. This mural features our lines triangles and a few of the characters we’ve been developing through our soft space series.
A declaration for Bed Stuy
We had the honor of creating this piece last weekend for @bedstuywalls it was such a pleasure. Huge thanks to @miki__mu and @artface7 for organizing such an incredible event and pulling together so much talent!
Right across the street from 626 Lexington Ave. Brooklyn, NY 12233


Over the summer we were invited by Sprocket Murals to create a mural in York, Pennsylvania. We did a little bit of research and realized the area is in quite a bit of transition. We wanted to channel this into this new piece and title transitions and with it, we decided to incorporate our signature triangles representing balance along with portions of various faces blending one into the other.

“Quantum Leap” is a bold and dynamic 10x22ft mural that embraces a future-leaning perspective while paying tribute to the vibrant individuals who energize the heart of Philadelphia. Through a vivid interplay of colors, we celebrate the city’s resilience and authenticity. This artwork weaves a narrative of travel, migration, and constant movement, deeply embedded in the city’s ethos. By juxtaposing the present city skyline with visionary architectural elements, the piece beckons viewers to envision a boundless and progressive urban landscape. “Quantum Leap” encapsulates the essence of Philadelphia’s spirit, portraying the convergence of past, present, and future that fuels its perpetual transformation.
This interior mural was commissioned for 1735 Market Street Philadelphia PA
Thank you @silversteinproperties for the commission.
When Otherworld approached us to create an installation that took up a whole room and considered all sensory nodes. We were over the moon.
A lot of the experiential places are very digital and we decided we wanted to take an extremely analog approach to this project. We wanted to be slow, deliberate, and purposeful. We considered the process and the experience of making the piece as well as the experience of the. We wanted something that really encouraged viewers to engage in something tactile. So we set out to do a very ambitious tufted project. We proposed a piece called ‘something you can feel’. It’s comprised of multiple panels of hand-tufted drips, pom, poms, hair door, knockers and plastic orbs with the scraps for my pom poms. It even includes upcycled crocheted fabrics. We’ve been on a big world-building kick and often spend a lot of time imagining various futures this piece and bodies it through its mural, which is black light responsible along with the tufted panels. We wanted to concentrate on slow transitions. The lighting in the room transitions from bright light to black light. The music is considered in this piece and every corner of the space offers a different experience as each corner has a soundtrack that is more dominant depending on where you stand in the room.
It seems as though it’s been increasingly challenging to find grounding as a society as a people, and we decided we wanted to create a piece that encourages that form of grounding. We definitely utilize technology, but we focused on very traditional methods and wanted to encourage a cozy space with a future-leaning ethos our future includes the babies but it also includes the elders and this is depicted in the mural featured on the piece.
Much gratitude to Otherworld both the Columbus @enter.otherworld and Philadelphia @otherworld.philly teams for the opportunity huge thank you to the @fkbstudiofor the assistance and support on the project. And massive gratitude to our adjacent member, Gina Giles of @artfully.gigi Huge thanks to all of our friends and family that came through Drank tea and pom pommed with us throughout the winter. We hope to do it again soon.

Did you know that? Erie, Pennsylvania is known as the gem of the lake. We had the honor of creating this mural in celebration of this legacy in Erie, PA.
Through this project we learned that young children are walking really long distances to get to school due to lack of busing and so the city decided to create a mural initiative to promote, limit the blight and have beauty throughout the city that all people could enjoy.
For this piece, we tapped into the energy of water, and the literal depictions of gems and wanted to reframe the narrative of Gem on the lake to be a celebration of the people being the gems of Erie.
And it’s augmented.
It’s located on the @1020_collective building in Erie Pennsylvania
- Gems take a long time to paint.
- there are bunnies everywhere in Erie, just bouncing all around. They kept us company the whole time
- Boom lifts are Tetris/math/puzzle equations and operating them should count as credits towards math…just staying
This project was supported by @erieartsculture and done in conjunction with #viewsfestival
In 2018-19 the Mz.Icar Collective was incredibly honored to collaborate with Ms. Lauryn Hill to celebrate the 20th anniversary of her iconic album, The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. Our team was commissioned to design a collection of limited edition scarves, tees, and merchandise for the 20th-anniversary tour, and we lent our creative skills in the form of visuals for the world tour.
A few of the pieces created for the tour were on exhibit as part of @nonamegalleryphilly ‘s Hip Hop exhibition.
If you are interested in this work contact
The crew and are so very excited to announce that we are Artists in Residency @fitlerclub.
As part of the residency, we are exhibiting an installation and a series of photo illustrations from our new Soft Space series. Each print is a combination of traditional photography and AI. All pieces have an AR component which allows the viewers to experience the prices come to life and talk.
These prints are a signed embossed series in an edition of 10. The certificates of authenticity will be issued as an NFT
The exhibition opened June 5th and was a private shendig. If you would like learn more about the latest collection pls email
Thank you so much @fitlerclub for the honor, much gratitude to @triciam001 and congratulations to the other participating creatives @saleemahmed @scottico12 @nicologentile @e.m.artt @kristasvalbonas @parisiendurag @idaliavasquez @elizabethbergeland @rcarterphoto @doahstudio @agathebouton @mz.icar @kriversphoto @paul_farber nazeersabree @lindseysca @johnjarbeard @crystalcuevas

This collection of work is an exploration of the power of softness, both
in a literal and figurative sense. Through a combination of photo illustrations and yarn and pom pom installation pieces, We aim to create an environment that celebrates the beauty and strength of softness, particularly as it is embodied by Black people.
In this work, We challenge conventional notions of what strength and power look like, and instead focus on the ways in which softness can be a powerful force for change. We use soft materials such as yarn and pom poms to create tactile and sensory installations that invite the viewer to engage with their surroundings and connect with their emotions.
Our photo illustrations capture stoically posed Black people in soft spaces, showing how softness and strength coexist. Through the use of natural lighting and strong poses, and soft florals we create a space that feels regal and nurturing, inviting the viewer to connect with their own emotional experiences.
Our yarn and pom pom TV installations are designed to be immersive, with soft textures and playful colors creating a whimsical and inviting atmosphere. Through these TV installations, We hope to create a space where viewers can let go of their guard and allow themselves to be vul- nerable, even if just for a moment.
Through this collection of work, We celebrate the power of softness, particularly as it is embodied by Black people. We challenge the notion of who embodies that strength and power and invite viewers to see the beauty and strength that can be found in vulnerability and emotional openness.
In honor of 20 years of indigenous hip hop in Uganda, @babaluku invited a group of extremely talented spoken word artists to commune with incredible local artists in Uganda. We had the chance to tag along with @toughdumplin and document the whole experience. Here’s a teaser from the documentary that we are currently editing of this incredible meeting of the minds featuring the following n. American artists.
@spokensoulto @randelladjei @northerngriots @nthdigri @eddy_daoriginalone @dwayne_morgan @wordsbeatsandlife @substantialmusic
I’m sure one day we will organize and exhibition of this experience, in the mean time we’ll edit, process and recenter. This trip was a whole paradigm shift and It’s being reflected in our work-particularly about being held, supported and in environments that are centered around what is best for its people.
We were in an incredible group show called Drip! Drop! Slice! At You are Beautiful in Chicago @yabsticker it was curated by Christopher Jobson of @Colossal and includes the works of Dan Lam @sopopomo Yuko Nishikawa @yuko_nishikawa Dave Towers @t_o_w_e_r_s Brian Giniewski & Holly Jean Studios @brianginiewski @hollyjean.studios Kassandra Guzman @kuupottery Ben Houtkamp Lalese Stamps @lollylollyceramics Adrianne Hawthorne @ponnopozz
We have been working a lot with textiles and tufting projects under the them of ‘Soft Spaces’.This exhibition showcased a few of our studies.