


I’m not going to lie. We spend a lot of time running around like our heads are cut off. This quarantine time has been a good moment for us to collect our thoughts, align with purpose, get our inventory together and just take a breath.

Before world war COVID broke out we had a chance to get up with our friends and visit the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture for a talk on archiving. They were specifically discussing hip hop journalists archiving, under the overarching theme of archiving Black culture. As collage artists and magazine junkies, this was so up our alley. Funny enough we happened to be in the middle of our own archiving process. We were painstakingly going through all of Junkprint’s old work categorizing measuring, storing and pricing all work to make all pieces available for purchase. Because after all if it hasn’t been archived did it even exist? And if you are relying on social media networks to create your archives keep in mind, it’s rough to build your house on other people’s property.

This time of isolation allowed us not only time to work on new pieces, but It also allowed us space and time to carefully curate video studio visits. Each week we will be pulling between 3-5 pieces of artwork and explaining the context and process of creation and how they came to exist. This group of work will be a combination of Junkprints archives as well as new Mz. Icar work.

We will be releasing the videos on YouTube, IGTV, and here every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. Enjoy the first one below